mini-school 2022
on large scale facilities and open data

19-27 October 2022 - Munich/Prague

Mini-school is over

See the latest school.


Munich, Germany
Prague, Czech Republic

see facilities involved below


10 Bavarian and 10 Czech advanced Master/early PhD students


Neutron diffraction and spectroscopy. Crystal growth, magneto-optical ellipsometry, Raman scattering. Open data.


The school is free of charge for students from Prague and Munich (travel expenses included) *.
Each participant needs to present their own research in a 5 minute presentation. There will be a best student presentation prize.


The scope of this mini-school is to bring the world of large scale facilities closer to advanced Master/early PhD students, to broaden their scientific horizons and to win them as future users.

The first part of the mini-school will take place at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Munich, where a series of lectures on neutron scattering techniques will be held. The second part of the mini-school will take place in Prague at the MGML research infrastructure at the Charles University and the ELI beamlines research center. The mini-school will be closed with sessions dedicated to data treatment and publishing, following F.A.I.R. principles and ways of sharing scientific data. In addition, the students will get an opportunity to present their own projects during a short presentation. Talks will be evaluated and the best talk will win a small prize.

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Mini-school Schedule

Facilities involved



The school is free of charge for all participants. The hotels (in Prague for the students from Munich students and in Garching for the students from Prague) will be booked and payed by us in advance. Students from neither Prague nor Munich will have to pay for their accommodations in one of the cities themselves.

Such generous funding is only possible because of Bavarian-Czech Academic Agency. They provided funds for this workshop via their "Bayerisch-tschechische Sommer-/Winterschulen 2022" funding programme, grant number BTHA-SW-2022-4.